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Let’s Talk About Data

It’s now considered the “Information Age” resplendent with an ever growing array of choices, mediums, aggregators, feeds, and resources to fuel potential need for information. Data management has become one of the critical drivers in small business and enterprise alike. Without fully understanding the value associated with available data, small business owners can mistakenly fear and avoid valuable tools for success. The need for useful marketing knowledge directly affects the balance between personal data privacy and educated decisions. As an individual or company, “knowing” can be a necessary evil or value depending on point of view.Data Management is Necessary for Small Business

Is Big Brother Watching?

Advent of web-based communication structures has created a way for anyone, from the government down to a small marketing agency, to gather and use data. Buying patterns, preferences, need, access to services, and product education are just a few of the objectives for interested parties to evaluate. Individuals can access “free” information in the form of downloads, whitepapers, blogs, feeds and newsletters but there is a cost. The cost is publishing of business and/or personal information. The government is passing laws and statues in response to both real and perceived fears concerning availability of data. The basic question is, “Who is responsible for management and control?” The answer lies in your personal behavior.

Behavior and Control

Surfing the Internet, looking up information in a reference, viewing videos, downloading white papers, posting to social media, etc. are all ways that individuals contribute to public profiling and give access to potential proprietary information. In each case, the immediate need outweighs the risk and data is created. How many times do you post to social media sites, upload/download pictures, shop for the best price, evaluate a company’s reputation, or text message? These activities are becoming mainstream and normal. The real issue is understanding impact of each behavior as it relates to you or your small business. Look to personal habits to evaluate how much risk is inherent and what can or needs to be changed.

Small Business Use

With the growing popularity of social media, shrinking use of print, and thirst for knowledge small business owners have to come to terms with the new Data-Driven Economy (DDME) and how to market effectively. Proliferation of online services create a unique opportunity for educated small business owners to operate like much larger companies. Digital marketing, targeted mailing, direct response, opt-in, RSS feeds, and video are leveling the playing field in the battle of customer acquisition and management. Selling products across the globe is just as common as providing products across the street. In today’s marketplace, every small business has an ability to reach a far larger potential audience than ever before. The only obstacle is in how to make it happen.

What To Do

The key is building a critical knowledge base and making decisions based on facts and opportunity rather than fear and reaction. Take stock of your digital assets and protect them by obtaining copyright, use of watermarks, cataloging, and implementation of usage policies. Optimize your social media to focus on targeted audience interests rather than self promotion. Create methods for potential customers to partake of your targeted information stream through blogging, RSS feeds, newsletters, and publicity. Link your collateral portfolio and web experience to provide an integrated message platform for your products or services. Above all else, don’t fear the flow of information, just manage it.

Three Simple Rules to Live By in 2014

January is traditionally a time of reflection, cleaning out the old to make way for the new, and 3 rules for 2014: Be on time, set agendas, and create valueevaluation of personal environment. Many of us attempt to define personal goals, set agendas, and reach for the stars. The problem lies in creation of realistic habits and not failed attempts. By nature, humans use trial and error to learn about themselves, life, and impact of their environment. Each of us is a collection of individual experience, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. This makes us individual and special. Any personal changes should keep that in mind.

Rule 1: Be on time

If nothing else in the coming year, change the way you handle time. In business punctuality is a simple rule to follow and builds intangible value by creating credibility, trust, professionalism, and accountability. Don’t be defined by “5 minutes late,” rather focus on preparation, execution, and opportunity. Easy to talk about but difficult to enact or else it wouldn’t be the first rule to follow. The key to punctuality is awareness of time and understanding how to maximize benefit through strategic planning. Start with a review of the coming week and establish a realistic “time cushion” to make sure appointments, tasks, and projects are completed on time. If you are unable to do this, reduce the number of events and focus energy on a smaller list. Remember creating a habit of punctuality doesn’t happen overnight and will take time, planning, and thought.

Rule 2: Create an agenda

Attempting to manage time has created an endless ocean of books, practices, methods, training, software, and specialists attempting to force feed individuals and organizations with their version of a secret sauce for success. In my mind, it simply comes down to expectation. Knowing what you want for a given amount of time will stimulate the necessary thought for preparation, execution, and evaluation leading to the second rule. Create an agenda by  starting with three items/tasks/goals for everything you do. No software, forms, or books are necessary. Simply write down or dictate to yourself three things to accomplish. Simple, direct, and measurable. When you achieve your objectives success is guaranteed. The process will become part of your core competencies. Start with appointments, projects, or tasks that will occur in the next seven days and detail measurable agenda items for each. If the task seems too daunting, simplify and focus on a smaller list to begin the process.

Rule 3: Stimulate value

Building a relationship between objectives and results comes from understanding value. The first step is identifying personal value and defining ways of building value in others. This leads to the third rule: stimulate value in yourself and others. Value creation starts with introspection and validation of self. In business this means knowing your value proposition, creation of a monetary unit (how much is your time worth), development of core competencies, and managing communication methods. The next step is application of key value concepts to relationships finding points of commonality. Become a great listener and interact with others on their terms. Once common ground is reached value management can begin and set the foundation for human capital development.

Applying these Rules

It is great to read about punctuality, agendas, and value management but what is the best way to accomplish them without too much disruption and still have realistic opportunity for success? The answer is to start small. Concentrate on the next seven days and develop the techniques and strategies mentioned above. Start today by listing three objectives for an appointment, event, or task tomorrow. Write out your value proposition and calculate your monetary worth. Get in touch with three of your closest business contacts and find out three things you didn’t know about them before. Write them down and compare them with your value creation. This will lead to the first areas of commonality.


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