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What Would a Freeman Do?

Decisions should be strategicThe classic line from the movie “300” invokes a troubled view of a no win situation. Queen Gorgo doesn’t reassure her husband Leonidas or console him. She baits him into making a decision that could bring terrible consequence upon her and Sparta. In small business we face the same kind of risk in evaluating the best decisions for daily business. Probably don’t attribute life and death to each one but the premise is still the same.

Education First

Before making any critical business decision you should consult many resources not just referrals and friends. Many of these potential participants have unknown motives that can jeopardize business in the future. Each opinion you review has to be evaluated against the opportunity, their potential gain, and risk if the advice is wrong. Sometimes this can be very difficult. This is the main reason to educate first prior to making important decisions. Don’t dismiss this advice as obvious. Think back on decisions you have made. Were they based on strategic planning or “gut” feeling?

Who Finally Benefits?

Often decisions are made based on short-term results rather than long-term benefit. Benefactors may not even be considered. In the case of buying “good deal” products and services stemming from potential gain rather than how the fit in the product mix, purchase may lead to disaster including stranded assets, confused marketing messaging, and misdirection of customer attention. The only benefactor of this situation is the first seller. Everyone else adds risk and potential financial loss during the sales process. Business decision-making should evaluate the final benefactor(s) and roles of eachparticipant(s). Many companies end up in serious trouble if this practice is not the standard. The question becomes, “was this a good deal for the company?”

Decisions by Committee

In small business, owners tend to make decisions based on their knowledge of a situation and not all the potential facts that can be gleaned by others. A good practice is asking for opinions and perspectives prior to making the final call. Teams always have a better “hive” mind and usually make better decisions.  Owners fear being overruled by the committee which can lead to decision paralysis and perhaps choosing a lesser path to success. Strong small businesses build human capital and treat their employees and contractors as useful assets and resources.

Putting It All TogetherDecisions should focus long-term

In essence decisions should be formed from careful screening of all available data, take into account perspectives and opinions, be evaluated against set requirements and guidelines, and make the company function better. If the result of a decision leads to a negative outcome, simply don’t do it. Apply strategy and planning to guarantee success. Start by using my seven step method to provide a ground floor to build on. Call or e-mail any questions because it is YOUR decision to make.

Don’t Play With Strategic Planning

Direct your business strategyWe have all experienced the addictive adrenalin rush that comes with action in sports, at work, or perhaps at home. How nice to throw caution to the winds and be carried away by immediate gratification. Pursuit of quick fulfillment spills into your business practices and is represented by financial fear and knee jerk reaction to change in the market place. How often do you feel decisions are making you instead of you making decisions?  Sometimes it may feel that you are the actor in and not the director of your own play.


Actors have to prepare for their upcoming roles and make personal changes to add their stamp in creation of an award winning performance. Small business owners are no different, except the award is loyal customers, growth, and financial gain. The difficulty arises in knowing how to become the best at your craft and in your industry. What will you base your winning performance on?

Strategy or Plan? That is the Question

The first step is building a strategic plan for change.  Notice I did not say strategy or plan by themselves. The difference is in execution. Plans are based on a set of specific resources to perform expected actions whereas strategic designs incorporate the best resources and consider their use in other projects at the same time. In effect, doing more with less. Great examples include scripts for phone use, auto responders for e-mails, technology in account management, targeting specific markets, and empowering employees to drive change.


As the year progresses, ups and downs of last year begin to blur and lose their influence over your action. Take the time to review, document, and build these experiences into your strategies for the rest of this year rather than letting them slip into forgotten oblivion. Adopt the use of my Seven Step Method to help lay the foundation. It will focus your attention on creating strategy rather than ineffective plans. If nothing else, begin to make your decisions as a director and not a struggling supporting actor.

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