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6 Tips to Build Success in 2014

Well it’s mid January and the dust of 2013 has settled. Now is the time to start implementing the necessary changes to reach your personal and business goals. Hopefully your business goals are focused, measurable, and realistic because over 60% of people fail to reach their goals before the middle of the year even with strategic planning. Review my previous post about simple rules to use for 2014 and pay attention to punctuality, organization, and building value. It can be hard to know the best steps to take to ensure that you realize your potential, personally and in business. Here is a list of tips to help migrate from this month of reflection and evaluation to February, where you will  build a foundation for change.

Commit to Communication

Communication is one of the key tools for change. Discussing goals and opportunities with friends, family, and colleagues enforces the benefits of your goals and provides support through praise, advice, and  motivation. They may provide the necessary help to get you off the ground. Develop good communication habits by actively listening, responding effectively, and following up. Just like a small business, personal relationships require investment and management.

Finish Your Personal Evaluation

Everyone talks about goal setting, cleaning house, making way for the new, and getting ready. These are all great in concept but don’t lead to action. Take ACTION by finishing your reflective period and start to implement your plan.

Make Realistic Plans

Lofty goals?

Simple Plan… Big Results

In many cases lofty goals are just that, lofty. Make plans that are realistic and part of a strategy for the year not for a single problem. Build daily action that represent steps in your process. For example, in your small business keeping better track of expenses starts with recording them in a daily ledger. Don’t worry about what is going to happen tomorrow or how much you will use for taxes. Just do it! Remember, it is always easier to edit than to create.

Understand Your Value

If nothing else this coming year, figure out your value and apply it to your goals, expectations, and interaction with others. With this knowledge you can make critical decisions  to delegate, outsource, or eliminate tasks and projects that don’t add value or detract from your goals. Ask, how often is time, energy, or money wasted in pursuit of something that can be done faster, better, or for less cost by someone or something else? The answer will startle you and provide motivation for change.

Automate, Automate, Automate

Make it once and use it over and over again. Review practices or habits and remove the “one off.” Automated process and procedures become a way to optimize resources without additional investment. Examples include auto responders for e-mail, information aggregators, monthly payment plans, and online calendars. Regardless of the situation automation can save time, create value, and enhance experience.

Eliminate the Paper Trail

Writing something down more than once creates potential for loss, increase in clutter, and leads to disorganization. Put everything into on online format to make sure it is measurable, traceable, and available at the touch of a button. Don’t write it several times.. type it once and save.

Easy For You to Say

It all sounds great but how is it actually done. The processing, goal-setting, strategic planning, measuring tools, and technology. Where to begin?  Contact me and we can find out together. Don’t wait until tomorrow to make the changes that were necessary yesterday.


Three Simple Rules to Live By in 2014

January is traditionally a time of reflection, cleaning out the old to make way for the new, and 3 rules for 2014: Be on time, set agendas, and create valueevaluation of personal environment. Many of us attempt to define personal goals, set agendas, and reach for the stars. The problem lies in creation of realistic habits and not failed attempts. By nature, humans use trial and error to learn about themselves, life, and impact of their environment. Each of us is a collection of individual experience, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. This makes us individual and special. Any personal changes should keep that in mind.

Rule 1: Be on time

If nothing else in the coming year, change the way you handle time. In business punctuality is a simple rule to follow and builds intangible value by creating credibility, trust, professionalism, and accountability. Don’t be defined by “5 minutes late,” rather focus on preparation, execution, and opportunity. Easy to talk about but difficult to enact or else it wouldn’t be the first rule to follow. The key to punctuality is awareness of time and understanding how to maximize benefit through strategic planning. Start with a review of the coming week and establish a realistic “time cushion” to make sure appointments, tasks, and projects are completed on time. If you are unable to do this, reduce the number of events and focus energy on a smaller list. Remember creating a habit of punctuality doesn’t happen overnight and will take time, planning, and thought.

Rule 2: Create an agenda

Attempting to manage time has created an endless ocean of books, practices, methods, training, software, and specialists attempting to force feed individuals and organizations with their version of a secret sauce for success. In my mind, it simply comes down to expectation. Knowing what you want for a given amount of time will stimulate the necessary thought for preparation, execution, and evaluation leading to the second rule. Create an agenda by  starting with three items/tasks/goals for everything you do. No software, forms, or books are necessary. Simply write down or dictate to yourself three things to accomplish. Simple, direct, and measurable. When you achieve your objectives success is guaranteed. The process will become part of your core competencies. Start with appointments, projects, or tasks that will occur in the next seven days and detail measurable agenda items for each. If the task seems too daunting, simplify and focus on a smaller list to begin the process.

Rule 3: Stimulate value

Building a relationship between objectives and results comes from understanding value. The first step is identifying personal value and defining ways of building value in others. This leads to the third rule: stimulate value in yourself and others. Value creation starts with introspection and validation of self. In business this means knowing your value proposition, creation of a monetary unit (how much is your time worth), development of core competencies, and managing communication methods. The next step is application of key value concepts to relationships finding points of commonality. Become a great listener and interact with others on their terms. Once common ground is reached value management can begin and set the foundation for human capital development.

Applying these Rules

It is great to read about punctuality, agendas, and value management but what is the best way to accomplish them without too much disruption and still have realistic opportunity for success? The answer is to start small. Concentrate on the next seven days and develop the techniques and strategies mentioned above. Start today by listing three objectives for an appointment, event, or task tomorrow. Write out your value proposition and calculate your monetary worth. Get in touch with three of your closest business contacts and find out three things you didn’t know about them before. Write them down and compare them with your value creation. This will lead to the first areas of commonality.


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