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Why Should You Advertise?

Marketing a small business using a diverse assortment of advertising is essential to sustained growth and brand awareness. Many small business owners rely on word-of-mouth or location-based efforts to build their revenue stream. Unfortunately this mentality will lead to cash flow issues and lackluster business performance. Advertising is essential and should be built through a budget-based marketing plan considering social media, print and audio visual, and public relations efforts. Even small businesses should have a website, token presence on Twitter, Linked-In, Face Book and other low cost/high visibility mediums. Understandably time and money are major factors in the decision process, but businesses that don’t market themselves don’t exist for very long.

Marketing as a process

Evaluate the strength of your marketing efforts by applying our 7 Step Method™. Building out a process to measure marketing efforts and to manage change in your company will result in controlled growth. Critical to success is the development of  a series of key performance indicators (KPI’s) that depict the positive or negative results of alteration in the company. These KPIs should cover planning, execution, and feedback in addition to finance. Potential areas to keep tabs on include growth of Industry, opportunity, intellectual capital development, market share, product demand, growth rate (>15% is ideal), expandability and sustainability. The results will help you understand the steps necessary to correcting or enhancing your marketing strategy.

Marketing plan and strategy

Many business owners mix planning and strategy together. This should not be the case. Planning involves a step-by-step process to define and realize a set of goals. Strategy is based on planning and lists the necessary executables or tactics to enable performance. So often sales and marketing is based on how much money is in the ’till” and not structured against ROI, brand awareness goals, and leveraging partnerships. For example, a restaurateur can leverage supplier promotional dollars to fund local advertising for their establishment or upcoming event. A service provider can take advantage of joint marketing with alliance partners to offset costs associated with a particular campaign. Purchasing of a one year contract for print advertising versus a two or three month campaign is another example. In each case, short-term cash is secondary to building brand awareness and creating marketing power through network.

Welcome feedback

Before starting any kind of advertising setting expectations and brainstorming potential outcome is a solid  best practice to enact. Feedback can act as a measurement of success outside of financial gain or loss. Advertising budgets should account for short-term cash and long-term brand awareness. Companies that build in parallel will be more successful. The bottom line.. take the time to develop both cash in your pocket and long-term growth.


Three Best Practices for Your Business

Small business owners can learn a lot from their larger “enterprise” cousins. Effective business practices developed in larger entities can trickle down and become advantageous for small business.

Practice 1: Emulate and then… differentiate

In small business success depends on knowledge of competition and the marketplace. Secondary research including literature review, market analysis, field study, vendor communication, and industry data can yield inexpensive knowledge that will help to create a specific product offering. Emulating larger, successful company’s business models and creating differentiators will generate lucrative, under-served target markets and potential revenues. Businesses fail because small business owners don’t take time to immerse themselves in their target market and understand the idiosyncrasies of their potential customers. Being like the larger players but capitalizing on their weaknesses become potential strengths in your organization.

Practice 2: Embrace change but remember stability

In this new “technology” world geared toward information overload and constant change, people still crave stability and their habits like the morning cup of coffee, going to the gym, or Friday afternoon happy hour. Small businesses that focus on quality, core value, and consistency will beat their competition and develop a solid reputation. Too much change can lead to chaos, anxiety, and creation of negative culture within the business. Business owners have to balance the benefits of core competencies with calculated adjustments in people, processes, or product offerings.

For example, as a restaurant owner, you want to build ROI with “return” customers or regulars and not one-offs. To do this, signature dishes, consistent service, and novel ambiance are necessary and proven to work. If the menu changes all the time or service fluctuates, the dining experience will not be consistent and customers will go elsewhere regardless of the quality of the food. Evaluate the benefits of “specials”, menu updates, and “cleaning house” prior to execution.

Practice 3: Understanding the value of time

Often business plans, promotions, marketing tactics, and practices don’t account or allow enough time to mature. Search engine optimization, for instance, is not an overnight answer to brand awareness and site traffic. Internet search engines need time to recognize and develop listing capability, which can take several months. Developing quality content, trust, credibility, and inbound links on your website take effort and require dedication. Regardless of what SEO consultants say, you can’t “buy” your way into higher page rankings.

Another example is revenue forecasts in business plans. To look lucrative and present profitability, forecasts usually demonstrate high rates of adoption not accounting for lack of product awareness, competition, and consumer experience. Claims are made based on industry size, potential opportunity, and novelty of the product offering not true adoption/purchase rates. Knowing financial institutions and investors use profiling and benchmarking to evaluate opportunity, business plans have to be accountable and present “real” numbers.

Promotions and advertising campaigns invariably take longer than estimated. For example, publications focus on distribution, frequency of exposure, and number of “touches” rather than documented conversion rates for a particular type of business. Publishers know that advertising is necessary in business and may fudge on time expectations to obtain business. Knowing this, smart business owners build marketing around long-term brand awareness and short-term promotion, in parallel. Relying on one or the other too heavily will cripple the marketing effort and negatively impact revenues.


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