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Small Business Owners Are Generally Consistently Inconsistent In Lead Generation

Let’s face it small business owners are generally consistently inconsistent. Those who are consistent operate off a business plan. The difference boils down to action versus desire. I can desire change but never implement it. I can know that my business needs new leads but haven’t picked up the phone or sent an e-mail. In its truest form, lead generation builds on consistent messaging to interested or semi-interested parties about a product, process, or service that will change the status quo. Everything else adds fluff to the definition.

Take A Lesson From The Fair

Popcorn in one hand and arm entwined with your significant other strolling down the glittering lane of vendors at the local carnival. You spy a venue with huge stuffed animals as the prize.  All you have to is pop three colored balloons with darts. Each set of three is $1.00. At face value, easy, right? Maybe not. Unknown to you the flights have been trimmed, the tips are dull from use, and the goal is three balloons of the same color which are strategically placed and smaller. Regardless of the risk you step up and throw. $15.00 and 30 minutes later, you are frustrated and in disbelief.Lead Generation Take Practice

From the time you walked up to the booth until you left empty handed, you responded to a lifetime of messages about carnivals, games, and personal experience with darts. The game was rigged to distract you with a gratuitous prize for a little investment. Obviously location plays a huge role in this scenario but lead generation by the dart/balloon vendor is pretty straight forward. You wanted to change your situation with a huge animal, admiration from your partner, and an increase in self-esteem. The level of interest dictated the action and you paid for it. So ends the lesson.

Lead Nurturing In Business

The biggest fallacy in lead building is that purchasing back end/front end technology, “scrubbed” lists, links, or joining interest groups will create a fertile field of prospects. Networking, direct contact, trickle marketing, e-mail campaigning, trade shows, webinars, downloads, etc. are all examples of outbound strategy to develop inbound opportunity with the eventual goal of conversion. I have evaluated executed programs by small business owners who were mystified by low response and conversion rates. Universally, the reason is mis-targeting and unrealistic profiles. Better to pick up the telephone book and dial (if you still have one). You will probably have a higher rate of return. Opportunity develops by the exchange of ideas and knowledge that is pertinent to both the giver and the receiver. This can’t be purchased through a third party.

Mining Opportunity

The first step in building a successful program is to understand components in a typical process and identify/define them in detail:

  • Perfect Lead – profiled to match your product-service-core competencies
  • Best opportunity – maximizes “your answer” to their expectations (not only need)
  • Strongest relationship between opporunity and product mix – selected to create a potential relationship not “The Sale”
  • Cost of generation/conversion – understand how much perlead will be necessary to reach goals
  • Expectations after conversion – define both internal and external demands on the process (think abandoned shopping cart)
  • Onging management or nurturing for the future – if at first you don’t succeed, message again and again

Next, test your results on a small select group of existing partners, loyal customers, and a select target group who are incentivized to respond. Hopefully, the results will mirror your expectations and you are on your way. As your database of prospects builds take note of any trends and capitalize on the profitable ones and get rid of aberrations. The objective is creation of a “potential” sea of opportunity.

Opportunity Is Knocking

A fat database of leads is not a prospect-rich base regardless of what is told to you by marketeers. Just because I can sell you contact information for 5,000 dentists doesn’t mean that each of them will immediately convert to a real prospect. It merely means that generally your “dental appliance” could be fulfilled within the group, as an example. So many business owners buy into social media contacts, e-mail lists, mailing data bases, etc. and find that costs don’t translate into conversion. That being said, there is value in testing large groups for acceptance of your product or service and nurturing potential opportunity for the future. The only caveat is a larger target list nets a smaller percentage of conversions and costs more overall. If you have the cash go for it, if not, fine tune the target profile and attempt to create beta customers who refer new business to you.

Make The Whisper Into A Scream

Two things to remember about lead generation: its always going on and needs to take advantage of message inertia to create virality and market buzz. Stop looking for leads and they will never find you. It is pretty much a one-way street. Don’t rely on word of mouth, publicity, networking, or outbound marketing efforts by themselves. Figuratively, the only way to keep the phone ringing is keep dialing out and asking for a call back. Lead generation is completely action dependent. If you don’t believe me, contact ten companies and ask them about your business.

Oops! That might be considered part of lead generation.

Oh, well…

Journey Into 2015 – What Will You Do?

Set Goals for 2015Awake in the morning and realize it is almost New Years, again! What kind of year was 2014 for you? For me, it was a year of considerable business development, a lot of fun events, new friendships, and a little bit of “cheddar” along the way. Last year I talked about building success in 2014 by focusing on value, technology, and messaging. Business owners who I worked with took the message to heart and profited by it. This year the game plan is a little bit different.

Marketing Platform Not Knee Jerk Reaction

Sales are slow and I need to do something, now! Sound familiar? It should. Many of my clients have suffered the results of this mindset and are painfully changing to a better tomorrow. It’s great to create an initiative but in marketing nothing will succeed if it is done only once. A knee jerk reaction to the stress of slowing revenue is one of the things that has to stop in 2015. Planning a platform approach with two or three year-long initiatives will reduce stress, increase confidence, and provide a daily/weekly/monthly game plan. Take the time to sit down and write out what you “intend” to do instead of what you will “react” to in the coming year.

Opportunity Realization Not Rationalization

We all have heard:  create opportunity, build your customer base, and focus on profit not expense. Sounds good but is entirely off the mark. Marketing generates possibility not sales. The job of your marketing plan is to understand your niche, find and educate your buyers, and apply the right product mix to create positive change. Opportunity is realized when action leads to a defined potential not “if we do this or if we change this.” Rationalizing the chasm between what you offer and what educated buyers want will creates a slow downward spiral to failure. Better to nurture a smaller group of interested buyers than spending budget on a widespread approach to a vast marketplace. The wisdom of this is demonstrated by small business trends like buying local, product bundling, creation of vendor ecosystems, and joint campaigning. Take advantage of industry best practices and grab the right opportunities this year.

Lead Generation Not Wishful Thinking

Targeting and profiling should lead to potential opportunity, right? Not necessarily. If the measurement and identifiers are based on unrealistic parameters, research and qualification are wasted and simply not effective. For example, a local shop knows there is huge market potential in a nearby city and intends to maximize through their advertising and marketing. The underlying logic – if we secure 1% of the target market, the company will grow to exceed seven figures. Unfortunately, limited budgets and being in the wrong geographic location will undermine any success. Symptoms include unusually low response to direct mail, lack of online response to targeted ads, low customer satisfaction scores … the list goes on. Better to identify a marketplace where the potential for growth is in line with the company’s core strengths. For 2015, waste no time on pie-in-the-sky accounts and go after more local-centric opportunities which benefit from proximity, product focus, and your customer service.

Campaigning  Versus “Seeing What Sticks”

Perhaps I am beating a dead horse here but building a marketing shot gun versus a rifle will only get you two things – a headache and broke! The key to success in 2015 will rely on your ability to fine tune messaging that brings buyers to your doorstep for one purpose.  to buy. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through the use of a serial approach to advertising and prospect nurturing. Take advantage of online tools like blogging, auto-responders, video, and webinars to stimulate and capture leads and then convert through clearly defined offers based on both value and time sensitivity. 2015 will continue digital overload illustrated by online short attention spans. People are quickly scanning, comparing offers, and then going to retail to buy.

Strategic Ecosystem Not Partner Manipulation

Many business owners still attempt to go it alone when building their success. The adage of “two heads are better than one” really will apply in 2015. Creating effective partnerships and joint products will help build loyalty to the brand and increase opportunity for reorders. For example, how many small business owners attend networking events with their hand out rather than their ear. Ecosystems build on group knowledge of several products for a target market offered by all participants. The value of the group is realized by buyers who are able to obtain multiple products and services from one source rather than having to find them individually. This year attempt to grow your ecosystem with three other partners in your “value chain” and reap the benefits.

Sales Funnels Are Not Beer Bongs

Sales funnels are not just nice to have. By nature a sales funnel will help take the benefit of marketing and turn it into assessed opportunity. Many of the small business owners I speak with limit themselves by thinking in the now not in the future. How much short-term cash can I get versus how many loyal business relationships can I build in the future. What’s in it for me rather than what’s in it for us. In effect, drinking from the proverbial beer bong – the best way to get a buzz quickly and for the least amount of time and money. Choke down a bunch of beer at once in the rush to the BUZZ and not pay attention to the cost. Sound familiar to you. Well, let’s see if we can change in 2015.  I will leave you with this advice  for the coming year.. build loftier goals – measured, budgeted, and real;  stoke the fire of ingenuity and passion within yourself; and dare to be different for you are the only thing that you can change.

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